
Enhance audio/acoustic experience in your mundane .

Pratical Use Cases

Noise Mitigation
As simple as place it in-between Source and Receiver Check out our A|B Test here

Enhance audio/acoustic experience with diffusion and minizing echo build up

Placemaking & Neurodiversity
Enjoy irido as an art installation with Multimodal stimulus

Frictionless Add-on
irido goes hand in hand with your existing acoustic treatment. Even better, you can experiement with placement for various applications

Interested in hiring irido for your space?

Traditionally we have these acoustic treatments…
but could we offer something different?

We are solving a problem about

Acoustic properties measured at TU Delft

Exhibition at De Nijverheid

Exhibition at Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd

Experitmenting use cases with music ensembles from CvA, HKU, RABK.

Showcasing irido at Schiphol Airport (NL)

And irido fits in a mini van thanks to its modularity (made out of 100% reclaimed wood)

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MMus Music Technology Thesis at University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU)

AMS Institute start up booster program batch #6

Physical matter is music solidified

Third Place

A Youtube Channel with highly stylized production stem from evaluation sessions.